Saturday, October 18, 2008

Coffee Muffins

I came here to work, and I can not leave this seat but to work, and drink ..
But i don't want to work, or do I want to work. Am I working now? Do I love work to work if I don't know the steps to work, or is it that i am mearly working now , so I may post this and say it was work.

Oh no, it is not work. It is a post to say I was working when I was not working. But I am working, right now I am typing and biting my pen in teeth , marks to write on paper code and plans to work. But the work does not reach the computer. It stays on text to not become work.
But when one does work the typing of lovely buttons makes work. A clickety mouse click and clack . Work then becomes work. Only that it's finally done and on print, no type, no ink, no ehto.. digital lights and electricity with 01100110011010010111001101101000 hilarity ensues to the work that was once type on paper.

My paycheck pursues.

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