INT: diner
Standing before a plate of fries.
Trevor glansses out the window to hunt out his prey
A beatiful girl runns by carrying a cammera and some bags
"Check!" He hurls out
EXT:Street, a mosh of people prepare for something sorta dragon fest
Cammey runs into the crowd looking for a something.
Where are these ingredients? Why do they have to be in chinese?
She gets distracted by the surronding and vendors
hmm, Oh! maybe trevor would like this for his girlfriend. And this would go good with maxes gem collection. Now what about othelo?
Sir how much is this pendant ?
shop keep
90,000 £¢∞??
90@% WHA !
No no i'll give you 784...
They bargin for a bit.
EXT: Big trevvor Sauters wanders into the mess of a begging of the parade holding a box. <-- Oooo a box ! What joy ! --
He spies around with binoculares
<-- Sees: A moose eating, a flying boy that quickly falls to the ground, chairs being organized in rows as people argure withone another, A statue... He Takes a note of it's where abouts and it's name, Then HER...
He approaches from afar
EXT: Her at the shop still arrguing
cammey <-- Her mind...
Great ! Now where is my money.. Oh dear no I just had it, lets see I was just lets see ... Trailing off...
, As she negotiates he reaches a postion of Yeah sure Whatever
And the camera Goes off freazing him in his place. but in a non statue method of her having convinseing control of him now...
As in ! Whatever she asks he will comply in a weankoned state But it is totallyp out of charecter when he freezes
Ehh.. Ah.... ehto
Trevvor Notices this, She kinda freaks out and runs away with the new gifts
EXT: pre-parade grounds: Crowds gathring
Hey, wait a second
stalker... ? reporter? Just how much did he see ?
<-- does she alread y know about the camera ?
Lots of flashes go off in her direction, Then as he c/loses in she puts the cammera on her head and points it in his directon, He Jumps like he dodging a speeding Train packed with bullets and gernades
She looks behind herself to check on his whereabouts. Sees no one and calms down to dring some tea
EXT: Tea shop
She tinkers with stuff. A book with a lot of weird writing andh a golden bookmark
She sips tea and he greets her from behind carrying a huge mirror strapped like a shield
I feel like a kid out of and old fantasy
He is spotted in her compact mirror, but she quickly spins aronud to capture him, ending up reflecting her self.
Ha! It worked ! To easy !
Then! A huge car went hurtling across and over the two as they sat their discussing tea. She snaps a picture before it lands,
Hmm no , Simple mesh
Durinng the distractions she leans up and Snaps a shot of his facce.
Say Cheese, Gotcha.
Ack, ! D@m it!,,..
Ugh, So what happens now?
Nothing special. Your just my new recruit.
Recruit? What do you mean by that?
INT: A dark room place
Sammy looks around to find a driver.. <-- Driver ??
A Book perchance, Film? A cord
EXT: Street, Cammey and Trevor walking down the street
So do you know the past lives of Great Angels?
What do you mean...
Like Jacob or Grabrieal?
Sure those are a few..
Boxes... The brothers and their sister
After: The four hanging on a bridge lijkkea a rope.. Danger like
Before: All walking dswn the beach, eating icecream.. ehto...
Dragons... new wonder for trinity
Music transfer
EXT: Two Walking:
Time ehr.. Bunnies !
After effects of teh Camerrtas side3 effects.. Visions, OH! Colros..
Durivng the Times that the affected person is under the control of the yes and nos They envision aura colors pertaianning to if the7y aggree olr not,
iterators, whatever of the , ahrg , sal;ad, No wait, bad burger.. Um Tuesday in the tropics. Ehh Hmm,
B;ah ....
So it's like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Toh yo bu
INT: A swacth of colors flow all aruond him in a dream like.
Color theroreies abound' like stawbriees in the autum. Designs, manifistations and the likes of all of the hues. Propegating to his birth and his death then his first kiss. Then His first jOb. Wath makes him tick and what gives him reasoning ability.
HER Colors: All pure red.. She lost her colors and gained divinity of Rued.
Pan up through house
INT: House, Feeding family supper.
Familry discussing stuff, like home work and nature and stuid dificulity stuff.
"another" <-- Someone packing an extra lunch
Later: A broken camera
Racist Senotor for hire. <-- weird rude..
Stick with it.
Science, what really it's true after allnoa
EXT: river bank, a turtle floats by on a river current happy as a turtle can be..
Back in the saddle
Or maybe not at All. Hmmm can't get into it at alllll... This suckss
What the hell was going on at all then.
A girl with a camera that forces a gental request into the minds of the victium leading to preforming that request somehow no matter if they can or not.
Kill them selves ? That is a ground the villian can not cross yet
I cant' rememeber it ! rememeber
Or in it the day of the light that someone can not see past their nose..
Chairs Gotta see past the quoted breaker Or could you never anyway Hmmmm ?L
Hmmm so what the hel is the matter ? Hmmm ? No thier is really nonoe for its open network.
A tidal wave erubts. The danger increases in the backlash..
Title 2::::::::::::::
Bck to basics.. Or what do you want to do ??? Eh ?
INT: a cave
A Dannger is even greater to the 4 as they tread deeper into the ground and find a power glove ?? Eh ? ??? !
Waht do you think we have here ? I found something broken in this avalanche.. Snow is everywhere… Help me!
G! Chill ! It’s ok we cgan survive ..
Where is mom! … Why is she not protecting us..
By the way. Do anyof you know what her current job is again now..
An expert of sometihng new I heard. Shilla said she was traveling and would be geting us a new Maid watch dog
Stop it , their not Dog. They have feelings . She is just busy is all.
Yeah, to busy for us.. tram…
Cut it out before you regret your words
Yeah alright. You know e=nough as it is
Teh chill in the ailr gets greater and greater. A blue wind rolls- on by. ONce before this time a weak evil squated in this realm. It filled it with disenchatned trinkets OA broken dragon head
Where is the peice S
EXT: Street
Road signs ahead, Cammey runs redlights ahead looking for the fool that ran away.
INT: police room
He sits at a desk going over notes in his Investigatieon that he was previously suppost to be investigating..
A dOsiier
You know why we hired you , and shipped you into this town? Hmm Do you remeber?
Yes sir.
Oh? Then tell Me why
To save…
Yes Thats right, to save four kids at the request of the sponcer
And I have penetrated the company home where they reside
Oh you have. Yet I get nothing back from you and the assignment. Instead my men find you staring at a wall two days later mumbeling something about guilt in an alley way
CAn you expalin youlsel/f and your sudden need to diobay orders?
Trevor Makes a messed up smirk
Trevor O.T.
You really want to know about a stuid cammera making you do stupid things and seeing colors like a bad drug trip. No I dont think you do. I dant even see it as something I can believe in.
*( A cool calm come bock to his true grace and powering reason, what he was hiered for )*
SIr if I may, I came here due to my skills in countless solved cases and resurces of the cities bbtonen tukgChck©ç© i˚ˆ∂˙†n
I said it has to be SNAPPY !
Boo ya! In your Place Cheif !
Ah… Well then… If we may get back to the case then….
Cammey the ≥¥∆ƒ˚©ƒ≈©∫µ will be found guilty of her past deeds and put to a final trial at your hands no less
INT: Hallway
WAit .. I have something else to add. In light of your current show of work I have assigned another officer to work with you on the case.
*( Hes showing HIS power now Mu ha ah a hah ahh aH HA ! )*
*Chkech! * What !
Yes- starting imedditly agent (term simi rookie) Barbra is with you 24 7 (Beh term)
Are you pulling my leg sir. ? I dont work with partners
Yes . That was the past and this is (meh) Starting now you do. Dont forget Who is the Cheif in this situation. If
————-LOTS Of fight talk I cant write fastu enoucgh ————-
—Babs enters
(brown hair. Eh.. not really eles.. dont know what she is for)
It will be a plesure to work with you Trevor sir.
Please no first names, Agent ?
Excuse me. The Name is Barbra RUttha yfgç®®ˆ¨´ø∆˚≈∂ˆ¨∂˙
Ruth.. ?? NAme.. it is then. Come on lets go..
( OH Wait , she is another transfer agent Trevor alread y knows and is fighting friends with ) Nhe speakss russian ………. cofusding
EXT: Restruaunt Shop
Children it is then .. Why do they have to be the targets ?
No idea, but thats what comes up in all of her found documents when we infiltratted their
And the device S
A camera of all things.
Eh?!? Is it notisble ? Or does it look like a normal old camera? And what happens —————— Trick
when you get your picture taken ?
So does this count for our little list ?
Oh you cant be serious !
Oh but I can. You know the drill. I give you a need to know bassis. You get ten questions + 1 extra if you tell me your age, and one extrla if you tell me your birth date.
Babs *miphiffet*
Alright 10 it is then
_________________——————- ARRRRRRRRRRRRRggggggggggggg make ten questions ——————————
Babs Goes over notes and sits for a bit.
Cheese Cake right here
—-Stares at Trover —
Shut up, it helps me think
EXT: Cave Kids looking around exiting cave
——— why are they their in the first place ?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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