Thursday, August 24, 2006

Programming sucks fish

Programming sucks.. Thats all..
It just basicly sucsk nkfe f''w

It's all like :fish here findi thios stiuuuupid dot here and there * asterisk my butt ! .. Oh wait that ! mark is something as well..

Who the hell made this stuff ! Why can't we just f'n write sentences! They make sense and would incourage good spelling habits.. Nooooo it has to be the most inane non descriptive crap ever....

Apple and the tale of the developers that see no respect.



Xcode.. And the story of a developer that just can't be.

Apple and the tale of the developers that see no respect.

So WWDC hit ,, shazam... a great display of Apples hype machine and the great products that they create. But did they? As countlessly said before most all new updates are rips from other shareware programs. How is this helpful? It's great, it gives Apple room to look cool and they tend to integrate the app much better since they have all of the source to work with. A great deal indeed.

But what of updates? Well if history serves well, none are seen for a year or longer in this case. Thats partially incorrect, I am talking about real updates. The kind that makes buying a shareware app worth the effort, the kind that you just know the developer(s) are listening to the customer and give a d@m and say, "hey thats a great idea, oh and that is a small fix give me a day" and what do you know, "boom" it's done.

But what happens when it's all integrated? Well the developer no longer has any heart to try and put 100% into the product anymore, what happens then? About two months into the day after an OS release they fold.

Fine so this is a good thing, the developer has time now to work on a new idea a new design a new whatever. But lets go back to Apple. We now have an app that takes a year and a half to add in what seems to be weak or bloated 'extras'. These are worth the 130$ ???

Now the year long wait hits for the customer AND the developer.

The developer: A hopefully nice individual that spends their time to either make an app to give to the world free of charge or to charge a price to make a small living doing something they really like or thinks might help others.

WWDC showcases these great new technologies, and one of them happens to be developer centric, XCode 3.0. The great holy grail of Cocoa tools ever seen to date. The fabled Obj-C 2.0 with garbage collection and a plethora of new debugging tools to hopefully never have to leave a developer debugging 90% of the time it takes to create an app. Or so they said.

Great ,, so why does it take a year and a half to get it to developers? Are they having to debug their own debugging tools?

Big and small. Xcode is free for the masses, why tease developers at a huge conference, taunting you now to wait a year to even think of using it? Granted now, the high paying devs have paid to announce that they are worthy of the treatment of the beta builds, but what of the small tiny developer that has not paid for the great beta of 10.5?

What is a beta anyway? It's a service of the customer sending back bug reports. Aw,, but thats the next issue. The conversation. So lets say you are one of these high paying developers to receive the honer of paying to use a free software. You have an NDA. A what !?!,, NDA this simply means you don't know jack about beta software as far as the legal paper says. Simply put, Your on your own. You have a great software tool, but if you have a question well STFU you can't ask anyone, not your friend not your teacher and by lord, not Apple!

Huh!?! Permit me to be a little confused..

A few suggestions if i may .. XCode is a free tool, 2.4 so why is 3.0 held as a great and divine secret even though it's plastered on the frik'n website?
What is the deal with stealing apps from developers and not giving credit where credit is due? And then leavening it to rust for a year?

Could all developers ya know, use Xcode 3.0 now, and like not treat it like this grand secret thats in plain frik'n view? It's like a tool, that helps developer build more apps faster for you to um ya know steal? But hey we can build em faster now !

Treat your customers like someone that cares about the app. Screw this iLife 07, 08 , 09 ... Ugh,, treat every App like a small company, when one team gets something done on the project let um post it ! bug fix whatever, small little things like tabs in iChat.. What did that take? Err two days maybe ?? Nah it took you two years! Weeeeee....

I'm sure I missed something ,, I really don't hate Apple, but I hate the way they really don't care about the apps. It's like half baked camp. Motion then Motion 2.0 came and STILL we have no 3d layers. Mail.. What the hell did you do to it ?? it's like franken app now. Safari webkit wiki has some great new bug fixes and addins but so sight of the updates in the newest post. Ugh.. just more problems as a beloved company gets to big :(

Apple, what happened to innovation? My stock went *plurt* right at 2:00pm on Monday.. RIGHT after that Keynote. Ya know why? Cause the hype machine was just that...

Kay i'm done..
Tripdragon needs tablet...